Tim Shaw
Education Pastor
“The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place” Acts 17:24-26 (ESV)
On Paul’s second missionary journey he finds himself in the middle of downtown Athens. He spends time observing the people and his heart is broken over how blind and lost they are. Then in Acts 17:16-33 Paul teaches them who Christ is. I love the section in verses 24-26 where Paul teaches them about the character of God. Paul tells them that God is superior to His creation. He is over and above all that He has created and He needs nothing to support His existence. But at the same time He is intimately involved within His creation. It says that He gives life to all things that have life. Paul goes on to tell them that from one man, Adam, He has brought all people into the world and formed nations. He not only formed the nations, He determines how large or small that nation will be. He determines how long that nation will be in existence as well.
I think this passage is extremely relevant for us today. Especially having come through an election this week where we observed a major shift in our nation’s government, where the short-term and long-term effects are yet to be determined. But from Acts we see that God reigns whether the Republicans or Democrats have the majority voice in government. God is on the throne if there is prayer in schools or not. He is on the throne even if the definition of marriage is changed to adapt to the worldview of today.
I received this email which I found to be quite timely and it gives us some perspective. I want to share it with you. I do not know who wrote it. It is a True/False test that you don’t even have to study for. Good luck! Or better God Bless! Or even better God REIGNS!!!
True/False: Regardless of who won the election, Jesus will still be King.
True/False: Regardless of who won our responsibilities as Christians will not have changed one iota.
True/False: Regardless of who won, the greatest agent for social change in America will still be winning the hearts and minds of men and women through the gospel, not legislation.
True/False: Regardless of who won, my primary citizenship will still be in this order - (1) the Kingdom of God, (2) America, not vice-versa.
True/False: Regardless of who won, the tomb will still be empty.
True/False: Regardless of who won, the cross, not the government, will still be our salvation.
True/False: Regardless of who won, our children will still be more concerned with whether or not we spend time with them than with who is President.
True/False: Regardless of who won, my neighbor will still be my neighbor, and loving him/her will still be the second greatest commandment. (Do you know the first?)
True/False: Regardless of who won, the only way to see abortion ultimately overturned will still be winning men and women to a high view of life through the gospel of Christ.
True/False: Regardless of who won, the only way to see gay marriage ultimately defeated will still be winning men and women to a biblical view of marriage through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
True/False: Regardless of who won, my retirement will still not match my treasure in Heaven.
True/False: Regardless of who won, "Jesus Is Lord" will still be the greatest truth in the Universe.
True/False: Regardless of who won, we will still know that God is in control.
The answer my friend is “TRUE”. I pray that you will remember who you are and who He is.
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