Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Look at Colossians 1

Nathan Stam
Children/Communications Pastor

Phil has challenged us during this current sermon series to memorize Colossians 1:15-20. In light of that challenge I thought it might be a good idea to take a quick glimpse at those verses in this blog.

Some believe that these verses were some kind of hymn or creed of the early church that Paul has pieced together, which is pretty cool if true.

In verse 15 we read that in Jesus the invisible has become visible. The very nature and character of God have been perfectly revealed in Jesus. We also see that same thought in the book of Hebrews. The word “firstborn” here in verse 15 is referring to Christ’s supremacy over creation, or his rank. It’s not saying that he is a created being, it is saying that he is above all created things. He is the Lord of creation.

Paul goes on to expand on this thought in verse 16. He basically says that good or bad, everything is subject to Christ. In fact, Paul is probably referring to hostile rulers or authorities. They all derive their existence from Jesus and they all owe their obedience to Him. Remember, Paul is talking about someone, Jesus, a common criminal, who was crucified maybe only around 25 years before this was written! This sounded like foolishness to a whole lot of people!

In verse 17 we read that there was never a time when Jesus wasn’t! He is before all things! And Jesus sustains all things. If he wasn’t sustaining the universe at this exact moment everything would disintegrate. He sustains all things by his powerful word!

Again, in verses 18 & 19 we read that all the attributes of God—-his wisdom, word, power, glory-—all are perfectly displayed in Jesus Christ.

Paul has emphasized so far that Jesus is Lord of everything and that everything was created by him, through him and for him. But something happened to this creation when sin entered into it that caused everything to be distorted and messed up. Here's the good news though: despite that sobering truth, verse 20 tells us that Christ on the cross has made peace or reconciled those who trust in His Name! Because the Bible is very clear that when we were not believers we were enemies of God and under his wrath. We needed to be reconciled. And Jesus did that on the cross once and for all!

I don't know about you, but I'm excited about memorizing these verses over the next few weeks and having these amazing truths alive in my heart where I can meditate and think on them!

1 comment:

Jason Gaston said...

I'm encouraged by ABC's desire for the body to memorize this passage together. What great truth in that passage to meditate on daily.

Keep up the great work ABC. I'm thankful for your partnership in the gospel.

In the trenches with you.