Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dominion and Awe

Nathan Stam
Children/Communications Pastor

A few years back I was struck by a revelation:

I use the same word to describe how I feel about cheeseburgers and to describe the Creator God of the Universe.

That word would be: "awesome". In fact, I use awesome to describe a lot of other things as well: computers, movies, automatic doors in vans, Mac products, books, experiences and trips, etc. I sometimes use it even if I don't really mean it. How can that be right? How can I describe how I feel about God accurately?

In Job 25:2 we read: "Dominion and awe belong to God." Awe belongs to God, and is due him and to no one else. Especially Five Guys. That causes me to pause and re-evaluate the language that I use to describe a cheeseburger! My prayer and dilemma is perfectly summed up in an old David Crowder lyric:

I need words
As wide as sky
I need language large as
This longing inside
And I need a voice
Bigger than mine
And I need a song to sing You
That I've yet to find

(You can hear the song by clicking here)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear you Nathan! Great example. I use "awesome" to describe things way too often. I need to reserve it for and to God.
-Matt W.