Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Operation Inasmuch

Chuck Thompson
Missions/Youth Pastor

"Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto me."
Matthew 25:40 

It is one day filled with missions projects where we as a church will serve some of the needy residents and "the least of these" in our community (Matthew 25:40). The message on the back of our Inasmuch t-shirts is "The Church has Left the Building," and that's what we do to share the love of Jesus in some practical ways. We've done a few of these in the past and it's time to do it again. Our next Operation Inasmuch will be on Saturday, April 9, so get ready to serve again!

The first step is to prayerfully ask Jesus to open your eyes and help you see this community as His compassionate eyes see it. What needs do you see that you and others can meet? Are there home repair projects, yard cleanup projects, painting projects we could do? Where do you see people who need the Gospel, encouragement, prayer or a friendly visit? If you're having trouble coming up with a project, would you drop by a nursing care facility or other organization to ask them how you could help?

When you have an idea on your heart share it with your Life Group to see if it's a project your Life Group would like to develop. If no one bites on it, or has another project lined up, share your idea with an Operation Inasmuch Lead Team Member, and we'll help promote your idea to others. Previously, we have had Operation Inasmuch folks who participated with home repair and yard work jobs. This was some of our best ministry for those whom we ministered to as well as our church members. The Western Wake Crisis Ministry will channel a few projects to us, but we have the manpower to handle more. If you see the need, make us aware of it, but let's try to focus our attention on the "least of these" in our community.

Yes, we have $$$ budget for projects, and it will be given out on a first come, first serve basis. Contact me to submit your requests.

Below are some ideas to stimulate thoughts for projects:
  • Can you or someone in your Life Group sing or play an instrument? How about visiting a nursing home? You could do a short music program. Maybe take some requests. Share a short devotion. Pray with some of the residents. Paint some fingernails. Write letters for them. Visit with those who rarely are visited.
  • Could you prepare bud vases, or some type of potted flowers for our teams to give to those with whom we minister?
  • Could you donate rolls of quarters for our teams to use as we serve people at area laundromats?
  • Could you donate some bags of balloons that we'll use to make balloon animals, flowers, etc. for children?
  • Could you serve as a captain for an area of ministry like a free car wash ministry, a yard work crew, a nursing home team or home repair team?
  • Could you help prepare food for Saturday's breakfast or lunch?
  • Could you fold and label Operation Inasmuch t-shirts?
  • Could you donate some Bibles for homeless people?
  • Could you help pray for Operation Inasmuch workers that day, do some prayer-walking, maybe make some house calls to pray for needs?
  • Could you offer some help with an Operation Inasmuch Bulletin Board?
We're certainly encouraging families to serve together as much as possible. This may mean that parents may bring their kids to their Life Group projects, or that the kids may bring their parents to the Children's Classes projects. OR, you may simply sign up as a family and we'll help plug you in to one of the projects we are providing. Our goal is to have everyone place and informed of their projects at least a week prior to the event (April 2).

We'd like to give everyone an Operation Inasmuch t-shirt, but only if we have your name and size(s) by Sunday, April 3. We can go as small as a Child's 6-8 and as large as an Adult XXXL (the shirts run a little large). The best way to give us your size is on the Operation Inasmuch sign-up sheet, but you can also send it to us by emailing Betty Coleman or calling 362-6276 (ext. 222). OR, if you are doing a Life Group project, submit your whole list of participants and their sizes to Betty. If you already have a t-shirt please wear it on April 9.

Food for the Operation Inasmuch Participants
We will be serving all participants a free country breakfast at 7:30 AM on April 9. We'll pray and head out by 9:00 AM. We will also be providing a sandwich lunch beginning at 11:45 AM (bag lunches for takeouts will also be available). If you and your family/Life Group would like to participate in either or both of these meals, please contact Betty by no later than Monday, April 4 to place your reservations. We'll also have these meal sign up sheets passed around through our Life Groups.

Operation Inasmuch Sign-Ups
We'll have several Operation Inasmuch project-specific sign-up sheets posted on bulletin boards in the Sanctuary hallway on March 12. You may pick up a general sign-up sheet from the info rack this weekend or download an updated one from the church website next week. When completed, please return it to the Church Office.

Please continue to pray for this outreach ministry and encourage others to get on board with you. Next week we'll post some of the different ministry contact people so you can contact them with your ideas, questions, or concerns. April 9 will be a huge day for you, your family, for Apex Baptist Church, and for the Apex community! Get involved now!

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