Friday, August 23, 2013

2013 Deacon Nominees

Here are your 2013 Deacon Nominees! We'll be holding a short business meeting on Sunday, September 8 in all three worship services to vote!

Name: Lance Richter
Wife's Name: Jeani Richter
Kids Names and Ages: Benjamin – 16, Joseph – 13, and Alexis – 6
Areas of Service at Apex Baptist: Usher, Upward Referee and Coach Commissioner, Date Night Director, AV in Youth, Small Group Leader Youth and Youth Teacher
Testimony: I was raised Jewish and attended Temple until I was 12 years old. Growing up, it was a struggle being in a divorced home situation. However, looking back, I know God was directing my path. God continually allowed people to share the love of Christ with me even though I initially rejected Him. At 16, God put Jeani and her family in my life. Over the next several years, they witnessed, answered questions and shared Christ’s love with me. I started attending church off and on throughout college. One evening after a deep discussion over the Bible, I felt a peace I had never felt before. At 22, I surrendered my life to Christ and thank God daily for opening my eyes and heart to His love!

Name: Sean Whalen
Wife's Name: Katrina Whalen
Kids Names and Ages: Colin – 16 and Ryan – 12
Areas of Service at Apex Baptist: Sanchez Life Group, Youth Group Chaperone, Former 2nd Grade SS and Awana leader for 10+ years.
Testimony: I came to know Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior in Akron, Ohio, in January 1987 -- it was clear that I had hit bottom in many areas of my life and that if I kept driving, I would probably be dead (or in jail). In short order He blessed my with a beautiful and Godly wife (Katrina), brought us to the Raleigh/Cary area in 1993, and blessed us with kids in 1996 and 2000. And the time since? "Wow... what a ride!" Iam am so thankful for the ways God has chosen to move in my life. He's challenged me to grow in my knowledge of Him through things like teaching 2nd graders. He's helped me totally and thoroughly put my reliance on Him through my cancer diagnosis and treatments.

Name: Bruce Tilley
Wife's Name: Marsha Tilley
Kids Names and Ages: Thomas – 24, Andrew -- 23, Joseph -- 20, Charity -- 17 and Daniel – 15
Areas of Service at Apex Baptist: Help in youth department chaperoning and with small groups, past deacon, work with REALL MEN team.
Testimony: Jesus has been working in & on my life for over 40 years now. I gave my heart to him when I was 7. I depend on Him daily to lead me in the plan He has for me in my family and business. God is worthy of our love and life.

Name: Jeff Cable
Wife's Name: Michele Cable
Kids Names and Ages: Tanner, Gray, Emily, and Maxton
Areas of Service at Apex Baptist: Usher, Small group leader with youth.
Testimony: I prayed to receive Christ at the age of 8 years old. Started walking with Jesus on a daily basis at the age of 14 and have stayed that way ever since. As a result of letting Him have control of my life, I share this hope with others that I come in contact with as the Holy Spirit leads me. I strive to lead others to Jesus by living for Him each day. As me and my wife tell our children we are here to put a smile on Gods face. Make each day count for the glory of Him who gave us His best so we should give Him our best.

Name: Mel Hughes
Wife's Name: Michele Hughes
Kids Names and Ages: Jamie and Whitney Hughes (Preston and Davis) and Will and Beth Anne Hughes (Norah).
Areas of Service at Apex Baptist: Choir, Youth Dept, Deacons
Testimony: Raised in the home of a Southern Baptist minister. Going to church was never an option. Accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 9 years old while sitting on the porch w/ my Dad on a hot August afternoon. My spiritual growth ran hot and cold through college and early marriage years. Wake up call came when my oldest son accepted Jesus as his Savour and I realized I had little influence in his decision. From that time till now I have sought Gods direction, His grace, and His mercy. He has been so gracious to my family and every opportunity to serve Him is humbling.

Name: Warren Lamb
Wife's Name: Kristi Lamb
Kids Names and Ages: Nathan – 27, Joshua – 24, and Hannah – 19
Areas of Service at Apex Baptist: Children's Sunday School, Youth Events
Testimony: I grew up in a home with strong Christian values and attended church regularly. I believed that I would go to heaven since I was a good person. It was around the time that God blessed Kristi and I with our first child that I realized that I did not have all of the tools to be the head of our family. We began searching for answers and began attending Apex Baptist Church in 1985. It was at this point in my life that I began to study and understand God’s Word and what his plan was for my life. It became clear to me that my salvation was dependent on my acceptance of God’s gift to me, His son Jesus as my personal Savior. I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior in 1986, and I am thankful for God’s gift of eternal life.

Name: Brian Smyrski
Wife's Name: Leigh Ann Smyrski
Kids Names and Ages: Maddie – 11, Emma – 8, and Andrew – 6
Areas of Service at Apex Baptist: Co-head of Safety and Security Team Previously served as Awana leader, College Sunday school teacher, scholarship team, preschool Sunday School teacher, and Assistant coach for Upwards basketball.
Testimony: I grew up unchurched and came to a low point in my life in my early 20's. At that time I recognized that I needed a relationship with Jesus Christ and received salvation. I was baptized, married my wife, joined Apex Baptist Church and grew in my relationship with Christ. Through the trials that our family experienced with my son's health issues, my relationship with the Lord grew to the complete commitment to the Lord I have today.


Name: Jesse Davis
Wife's Name: Celena Davis
Kids Names and Ages: Seth – 10, Luke – 6, and Eli – 2
Areas of Service at Apex Baptist: Worship/Praise Team, Personnel Committee
Testimony: I've always had a desire to worship Jesus ever since I came to know him personally during High School and I've been singing for Him ever since! Lately, he has been putting a burden on my heart to lead my family in a closer walk with Him. He is focusing me much more on teaching our family bible study, prayer time, and just spending more time talking about Him with my three boys so they grow up to be warriors for Him!

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